1. Study on the effect of poly(ADPribosylation) on the chromatin structure by synchrotrone X-ray scattering (in collaboration with Dr. M.Koch EMBL Hamburg) and by Atomic Force Microsopy (in coll. with Prof. C. Bustamante, Berkeley, USA).

2. Role of Poly(ADPribosylation) on the Epstein Barr virus gene expression during the viral infectious cyclein (in collaboration with Prof. E. Mattia Dept. Sapienza University, Roma Prof. P. Lieberman Wistar Inst. PUniv. of Philadelphia USA).

3. Proteomic studies on epigenetic modifications in diabetes and in Alzheimer disease (in collaboration with Prof. S. Morano and B. Marras Sapienza University, Roma).

4. Characterization and evaluation of new PARP inhibitors in experimental model of neurodegeneration (in collaboration with Prof. A. Mai Sapienza University, Roma).

5. Crosstalk between PARP-1 and NF-kB in  cellular and animal model of Alzheimer disease. (in collaboration with Prof S: Scarpa and A.Fuso  Sapienza Univ, Roma).