In 1987 several Italian scientists working on the ADP-ribosylation processes met in Verona on the initiative of Professor Hisanori Suzuki (University of Verona). The aim of the first meeting was to form a network of groups sharing common research interests in this field.
Since then, every year an Italian meeting on ADP-ribosylation processes is organized, involving a still increasing number of scientists and representing a good opportunity to discuss the results of the research and to establish fruitful collaborations.
Professor Suzuki was the first coordinator of the group in 1987-1988, followed by Professor Benedetta Farina (University of Naples “Federico II”) from 1989 to 2007, Professor Paola Caiafa (“Sapienza” University of Rome) from 2008 to 2010, Professor Ivana Scovassi (IGM-CNR, Pavia) from 2011 to 2013.